
Carla Maria supports organizations improving their ability to listen and increase multivoiced perspectives. Initiatives and impulses towards a more open and safe work culture, together with leaders and employers

Carla-Maria supports organizations to increase their listening ability and ability to invite multivoiced perspectives. There are common practices applicable to all teams and contexts (such as leaders admitting mistakes or doubts, asking questions, and focusing on learning outcomes over productivity or results), but the most powerful advice is that which applies specifically to the context the team is operating in. Carla-Maria works with leaders and employees in developing impulses that initiate an open and safe work culture. Impulses that make it possible to discuss themes and situations in a timely manner and to learn together to have difficult conversations in a timely manner, and thus to anticipate cross-border situations. The result are practical suggestions and actions that fit within the relevant context.

Systemic approach: an example.

Being a driving force for culture change and facilitating a sharp dialogue at TU/e. This is what Carla Maria Verwer considers her mandate as a catalyst (kwartiermaker in Dutch) in the field of social safety.

Bottum-up approach : everyone matters and is invited participate. An example.

Carla-Maria was the initiator of and co-builder of the ‘The Wellbeing Signalgroup’ within the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the TU in Eindhoven. By setting up the Signalgroup, colleagues create a safe space together to speak in a timely manner about everything that is important to students and colleagues that has to do with well-being. The board gets a timely view of signals.

The impulse grew into a good example of a collective and bottom-up approach for more well-being in the workplace. The board’s support and willingness to learn has been crucial to the development of the Wellbeing Signalgroup and becoming what it is today. Giving trust and space to an unknown initiative, and to employees who commit step by step and shape together is difficult and necessary.

Carla-Maria supported both the employees and the board and was a sounding board for

Keynote spreker

Carla-Maria is een inspiring and engaging speaker about theme’s such as psychological safety, social safety and leadership and constructive collaboration.

Facilitator of Dialogues during your congres or meetings

If you are looking for a connecting, energetic and sharp process and discussion leader for your conference or for your meeting(s), please contact Carla-Maria.

Team and leadership support Social and Psychological Safety
Carla-Maria can support your team as a facilitator of dialogues en help you start conversations on topics relating to social safety. She can also support your team during or after conflict.

Measuring Safety: Psychological Safety Index

Tailor-made leadership training

Carla-Maria provides in-company leadership training that focuses on contributing to constructive collaboration, stimulating a healthy group dynamic in your team and dealing with discomfort, conflict and recovery.

Teamdialogue on Psychological and social safety

Social and psychological Safety are a broad terms, referring to how we interact with one another, to identifying what is considered desired or undesired behavior in our (group)interactions, and relating to (personal) boundaries in matters around diversity & inclusion, harassment, and discrimination.

In a teamdialogue the intention is to open up the conversation related to different aspects of Social and Psychological Safety, and you will attempt to jointly come up with ways in which you can improve Social Safety in your team as best as you can. This team dialogue gives the opportunity to start or continue your joint effort in trying to work towards a safer work environment.

Goal team dialogue: collectively explore the concept of safety and open up conversations about topics and issues relating to how you interact with one another at work. Aim: increase understanding of and more openness to one another: a basis for constructive collaboration, further conversation and next steps towards a safer work environment.

Possible topics of conversation:

  • What is are signals of safety and unsafety
  • Strategies for voice: taking space, giving space and holding space
  • Challenging situations: Explore perception of situations & personal positions.
  • Explore (Undermining) forces of safety: power dynamics, group dynamics, interpersonal dynamics, intrapersonal dynamics.
  • Responding productively: collective responsibility for a healthy work environment
  • Framework of Action: Accountability, reciprocity and repair
  • Attention for the support network and procedures for reporting undesired and inappropriate behavior in your organization
  • Actions and personal influence
    please contact me for possibilities in your context

Individual support: as sounding board, coach and confidentiality person

Sounding board in complex situations: HR advisors and managers will find in Carla-Maria a sounding board that helps them explore options for action during difficult/complex situations in whcih transgressive behavior and integrity issues occur. Which next step is helpful in the given situation, for the people who are direct and indirect involved, with attention to responsibilities, roles and tasks, clear and timely communication and with attention for repair and aftercare.

Coach personal and career development: Carla-Maria has a sharp ear for what you say and keeps an eye out for what you do not say. Her lighthearted approach invites tough topics to the table.

External confidentiality person