
Samenwerken is geregeld geen gemakkelijke opgave. Zeker in een wereld waar de waarheid vele versies lijkt te hebben. Gevoeligheid ontwikkelen voor deze verschillende stemmen die hun versie van de wereld uitdrukken is nuttig en verwarrend.

 “It is much harder to hurt someone if you know their story”                                                                        – Scott Ranking,  CEO & Creative Director Big Hart-

 Je bewegen door persoonlijke en collectieve verhalen, leren over elkaars versies van waarheid, is een belangrijke persoonlijke en leiderschapsvaardigheid die behulpzaam is in het bouwen aan en behouden van sterke en veilige teams. Verhalen hebben het vermogen om de identiteiten van individuen en collectieven te produceren, uit te dagen en te veranderen: het is een manier om orde aan te brengen in de dagelijkse (werk)praktijk, emoties te verkennen en te zoeken naar betekenis en verbinding met anderen.    De School voor Narratief Leiderschap helpt u en uw team om interpretaties van situaties te verkennen en zo bij te dragen aan een veiligere werkomgeving en sterkere samenwerking. We kijken naar het effect van interpretaties op gedrag, communicatie en samenwerking. We verkennen inclusieve taal, congruente houding en nuttige actie. Via op maat gemaakte interventies vergroot je je gevoeligheid voor verschillende stemmen en perspectieven, luister je naar jezelf en anderen met een verfijnd bewustzijn en experimenteer je met manieren om alle stemmen uit te nodigen, adequaat te reageren en met vertrouwen richting te

Masterclass Restorative Communication: I Give a F*ck – Now what? @JongTNO

Do you ever find yourself in situations where the (inappropriate) behavior of another person towards yourself, or someone else, makes you feel uncomfortable, or even leaves you feeling helpless? Think of rude or offensive behavior, labeled as a “joke”, (sexually) transgressive behavior or (covert) racist comments displayed in public, at the workplace or even within your friends’ group or a family setting. Often, those actions leave us baffled and unable to react – in the moment or at any given moment – since it may be hard to find a response that feels both appropriate and authentic.

When ‘the subtle art of not giving a fuck’ is not working for you (anymore) – this workshop is for you. During this masterclass we will dive into the topic of restorative communication in conflictual situations. We will explore conflictual situations and responses, social interactions and transgressional behavior @work.

Facilitator: Carla-Maria Verwer

Interview Catalyst Social Safety TUeindhoven

Being a driving force for culture change and facilitating a sharp dialogue at TU/e. This is what Carla Maria Verwer considers her mandate as a catalyst (kwartiermaker in Dutch) in the field of social safety. From January onwards, she has undertaken a range of activities in this capacity, including setting up team dialogues, talking to departments and services, and creating a learning forum for the Social Safety Support network. “TU/e employees feel strongly about their work, have lots of commitment, and are willing to learn. What’s lacking in many cases, is a culture of accountability.”

Lecture VUAmsterdam: Culture of Accountability – about ownership & Leadership

Towards a Restorative University: In the last five years, countless incidences and research reports have raised problems around social safety in academia. The academic environment is known by high competition, temporary contracts and power imbalance, which can lead to undesirable behaviour, such as (sexual) intimidation, (micro)aggression, bullying and discrimination. When interpersonal conflicts are reported, the current solution is a legal route. Dialogue, learning and prevention are often lacking. An alternative route to explore is restorative justice. Restorative justice is an alternative for criminal law with better and more sustainable outcomes for both victims and offenders. Supported by an NWO Aspasia grant, the goal is to implement restorative practices at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in relation to interpersonal conflicts. A kick off symposium will be held on 19 October 2023 to bring together staff, students and support networks to create dialogue on social safety and a restorative university climate.

Podcast: About People&Work

Podcast Mens en Werk

“We set each other in motion. I constantly add thoughts of other people to my thoughts. I reshape them into something of my own, something personal, that I thereafter share again.” – Guus Kuijer

Usually my work is about thoughts of other people. Now I’d like to share something of my own thoughts. I can do this thanks to Joost Kruijter. He has created a podcast about People&Work . We had a meaningful conversation about People and Work.

You can listen to this episode via: