Well-Being in the Workplace: a narrative approach


TNO is an applied science organization in the Netherlands. Young employers of TNO are able to attend a program about stress in the workplace named ‘Unwind your Mind’.  Carla Maria Verwer prepares and moderates workshops for this program using a narrative approach during the preparations and narrative structure as guidance of the evenings.

Employers who have experience with burn-out and brave enough to share their stories – are the focus of the evening. They share their stories using  a narrative structure. It enables them to structure their experience during their preparation, give enough structure to hold on to during the workshop itself, which leads to enough confidence, a sense of safety and freedom to keep exploring their own stories with audience in the room. It enabled the audience to connect the different experiences, relate to their own experiences and ask questions. An expert complements the stories with (scientific) information. 

Carla Maria Verwer introduced the narrative method. Working on ‘burn out and recovery’ following a narrative structure. This clear structure created space to share experiences, create rich stories,  and keep participants involved.  The stories of the two experience experts were understandable and palpable. As an expert I could give information to enrich the stories with (scientific) information. The rest of the attendees listed, asked questions and gave their support. An interesting and inspiring structure to work from and with!

Carolien Hamming, CEO CSR-centre, stress and burn out coaching –

Interested in this narrative approach works for your topic or event? Please contact the School of Narrative Leadership via carlamaria@schoolofnarrativeleadership.com.